白云山是天中大地第一高山,位于泌陽縣城東30公里,總面積218平方公里,因山之奇峰秀麗,常有白云卷舒相伴,山上有玉皇神殿,正逢歲旱,百姓皆往祈雨,有求必應,故而得名。其巔頂海拔983米,奇石如垛,云霧繚繞,俗稱“白貌垛”。 傳說很久很久以前此間為海中龍王化成的一座青山,故歷史上又稱“青龍山”。至今從“白貌垛”往東北依然可以看到巨龍橫臥的模樣!鞍酌捕狻北闶前浩鸬凝堫^,樂山則是翹起的龍尾,九龍盤曲,祥瑞紛呈。古人將“貌垛龍容”列為泌陽八景之一。 白云山形勢巍然,雄峙一方。西為伏牛山脈,南為大別山脈,諸山組合,廣圓五六十里,威鎮泌陽縣東方。白云山生態原始,古老神秘。棋盤嶺仙人對弈棋盤猶在,老爺廟龍王載寶石船尚存;“白貌垛”水淹丁三渣草掛在山頂,萬僧寺懲處惡僧寶鍋沉入潭底;古樹懸崖,天生地長,千百萬年,仍如閨中秀女;奇聞軼事,口語傳承,從古到今,果然歷久彌新。王質觀棋、張良修仙、神仙拉車、神奇故事,如歌如詩;貌垛龍容、竹林晚照、石臺擂鼓、自然造化,賞心悅目。 白云山林木蒼郁,花草繽紛,滿山青翠。中藥材品種達698種之多。在濃萌如蓋的密林深處,珍禽異獸,鳥鳴鳳啼,是“天然的動植物園”。 白云山眾泉奔騰,溪流竟奏。水在樹間流,樹在水中長,高山流水,如琴似弦。石是骨,彰顯著白云山的雄偉和質樸,水為魂,折射出白云山的清新和靈秀。 白云山寺多,山寨多,石洞多,“自古名山僧道多”。山寨的勾連,石洞的互通,環境優雅之處自然是人們修身養性的好地方。這些過去兵家常爭戰的遺跡,現已成為青山碧水中的一道盛景。 1993年,泌陽白云山被河南省林業廳批準為省級森林公園,泌陽縣被批準為國家生態示范縣。2007年泌陽縣政府與河南省天龍旅游股份有限公司合作進行了生態保護開發,使這座秀美的山峰慢慢揭開了面紗,向世人展露她的風采神韻。
Brief Introduction to Baiyun Mountain Translated By A.L. Yao Baiyun Mountain, the highest mountain in the Tianzhong area, is located 30 kilometres east of Biyang County and has a total area of 218 square kilometres. In times of drought, the local people went to the Jade Emperor Temple on the mountain to pray for rain, and their prayers were always answered. When the skies cleared after the rain, the beautiful mountain peak was wreathed in rolling white clouds, and so, the mountain was named Baiyun (White Cloud) Mountain. The summit of the mountain, rising 983 metres above sea level, is made up of stacks of jagged rocks and is shrouded in clouds and mist, hence its popular name, White Mountain Peak. Legend has it that a long, long time ago, a Dragon King transformed into a green mountain, so the mountain is also known in history as Qinglongshan (Green Dragon Mountain). If one casts one’s eyes from White Mountain Peak toward the northeast, one can still see the shape of the giant reclining dragon to this day: White Mountain Peak resembles an uplifted dragon’s head, Leshan Mountain resembles an uplifted dragon’s tail and the undulating mountains resemble nine winding dragons; a very auspicious sign. Baiyun Mountain is hailed as one of the eight scenic spots of Biyang. Baiyun Mountain is a mountain range whose fine landscape makes it a popular tourist attraction; it is a pristine, natural and pure wonderland. The rows of ridges and peaks and the dense woods screen out the sky and sun; there are flying waterfalls and flowing springs, rare birds and animals, many temples and fortified mountain villages scattered all over the mountain; this picturesque, very charming and colourful place is a combination of both liveliness and calmness, and of both boldness and mildness. There are the Funiu Mountains to the west of the majestic Baiyun Mountain and the Dabie Mountains to the south, there are wispy clouds flying over the surface of the mountain, rosy clouds at the base of the mountain at sunset and Biyang County to the east. There lies an ancient and mysterious primeval forest on Baiyun Mountain. The Chessboard Mountain resembling the legendary chessboard on which two immortals played chess still exists, as does Laoye Temple where the Dragon King’s jewelled boat was stranded. During the flood that drowned the man Ding San, the water rose so high the grass in the water hung on the top of the mountain; in the Temple of Ten Thousand Monks, wicked monks were punished for sinking a precious vessel to the bottom of a pool. Even with its ancient trees and cliffs that were created by Mother Nature over millions of years ago, Baiyun Mountain is still beautiful, natural and pure, just like a fair maiden. Fantastic stories and anecdotes have been passed down from ancient times through the oral tradition, and they seem to become more and more novel, more and more fascinating with each new generation. The boy Wang Zhi who observed two immortals play chess, the man Zhang Liang who became an immortal through self-cultivation, the immortal pulling a cart and other magical stories, which try to explain the creation of particular mountains, are retold through songs and poems. One will find the Green Dragon Mountain, Zhulin Town, the stone arena for martial arts contests and the natural scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind. Baiyun Mountain is covered with dense, green woods and a riot of flowers and greenery. Over 698 varieties of Chinese medicinal herbs can be found on the mountain. Wolves, badgers, tigers, leopards, pheasants, mandarin ducks and finches thrive in the heart of the dense, green woods; it is the natural flora and fauna garden. Clear, bluish green springs, babbling brooks and roaring waterfalls flow down from the top of Baiyun Mountain, and join to form one stream. The reflections of safflowers, green trees, green peaks and blue sky in the water show strange, beautiful and ever-changing images; water flowing among trees, trees growing in the water; the sound of waters flowing down high mountains is like the sweet, soothing music of a zither. Stone represents the spirit, and reveals the Baiyun Mountain's magnificence and simplicity; water represents the soul, and reflects its purity and beauty. There are many temples, fortified mountain villages and caves on Baiyun Mountain. “Many Buddhist monks and Taoist priests have come to the famous mountain since ancient times” as its exquisite surroundings makes it a good place for one to cultivate one’s mind and improve one’s moral character through mediation. Historic sites such as the fortified mountain villages where alliances were formed and the caves where military commanders and soldiers worked together have now become a part of the magnificent scenery of green mountains and bluish green waters. In 1993, Baiyun Mountain of Biyang County was approved by the Forestry Department of Henan Province as a provincial-level forest park, and Biyang County was approved as a national ecological demonstration county. In 2007, the People’s Government of Biyang County collaborated with Tian Long Hotel Co. Ltd Zhumadian to conduct, coordinate and supervise ecological protection to enable this beautiful mountain to slowly uncover her veil and show her style and charm to the world. |